Limited Time Offer: Get Started With The Soul Happy Experience for Only $7



You deserve to live a happier life starting now.



You deserve to live a happier life starting now.


“With your support and amazing coaching, my life has changed so much. I am happier, more positive, and am experiencing so much personal growth, positive momentum and growing success”

- Doris P, Chicago IL

What's Holding You

Back From Your Best Life?

What’s Stopping You from Living a Life that Fills Your Heart with Gratitude, Fills Your Pockets with Cash, and Fills Your Days with Purpose...?

How To "Reverse Manifest" The Life Of Your Dreams With These 10 Simple Yet Highly Effective Happy Habits...

Download my Happiness Habits Checklist Now To Finally Solve The Puzzle And Discover How To Be "SOUL Happy".

Our Mission

My passion and purpose is to help busy women transform their

relationships with themselves, their partners, their kids and their coworkers, and live a happier life on a daily basis.

What Others Say About Steff

“Literally changed my life!”

"Your work helps me EVERYDAY. They have literally changed my life. I am forever a better human being because of your work and am monumentally grateful for you!" -
Christie Day-Gee

“Feel so fortunate!”

“I absolutely loved our session last week. I feel so fortunate that you came into my life. I love life coaching! I’ve done therapy for years, and I’ve never gotten more out of a session than I did with you, so thank you!” -
Emily Aube

“Thank you, thank you, thank you!”

“This week has been all about healing relationships... with myself, my husband, my mom and my dad. I am feeling in my heart SO clear that I am shifting. I am actually using the tools and processes that you shared with me, on a DAILY basis." -
Megan Bhatia

Hi, I'm Coach Steff!

The world’s top Happiness Coach, best selling author, international speaker, master at manifesting, fascinated with LOA and all things spirituality, reader of books (about high performance, personal growth and productivity…no novels, just not my jam) student of quantum physics, amateur bio hacker/athlete/wellness guru. Oh I’m also a wife and mother to two crazy kids.

I call Chicago home and live with my family in the same town my husband and I grew up in. We first met when he was in 5th grade. I was in high school. 10 years later we started dating. They thought it would never last. I thought it would never last. He knew it would. He was right. We’ve been together for a quarter of a century.

The world’s top Happiness Coach, best selling author, international speaker, master at manifesting, fascinated with LOA and all things spirituality, reader of books (about high performance, personal growth and productivity…no novels, just not my jam) student of quantum physics, amateur bio hacker/athlete/wellness guru. Oh I’m also a wife and mother to two crazy kids.

I call Chicago home and live with my family in the same town my husband and I grew up in. We first met when he was in 5th grade. I was in high school. 10 years later we started dating. They thought it would never last. I thought it would never last. He knew it would. He was right. We’ve been together for a quarter of a century.

My highest values are Self Responsibility, Radical Acceptance, Inclusivity, Personal Power, Leadership and Legacy and I only say yes to decisions that are aligned with these values.

I’m here on this planet to help women find more daily happiness. To help them custom design and create a soul happy life that they’re crazy about. I’m personally crazy about the enneagram, the Byron Katie work, limiting belief work, the law of attraction, manifesting and creating community. One thing I know for sure is when we get happy, healthy and own our soul experience, anything truly is possible.

I love hanging out with people who don't take this life for granted. Who get that we're souls having a human experience and know it's not going to last very long. I like real people and hate small talk. But love deep, insightful, vulnerable conversations. That’s my favorite way to spend my time. Along with a long walk on a sunny Sunday morning at our lake house with my husband and kids…. that, is actual heaven on earth.

My highest values are Self Responsibility, Radical Acceptance, Inclusivity, Personal Power, Leadership and Legacy and I only say yes to decisions that are aligned with these values.

I’m here on this planet to help women find more daily happiness. To help them custom design and create a soul happy life that they’re crazy about. I’m personally crazy about the enneagram, the Byron Katie work, limiting belief work, the law of attraction, manifesting and creating community. One thing I know for sure is when we get happy, healthy and own our soul experience, anything truly is possible.

I love hanging out with people who don't take this life for granted. Who get that we're souls having a human experience and know it's not going to last very long. I like real people and hate small talk. But love deep, insightful, vulnerable conversations. That’s my favorite way to spend my time. Along with a long walk on a sunny Sunday morning at our lake house with my husband and kids…. that, is actual heaven on earth.

Manifest your


with the 10 Happy Habits that will help you harness the transformative power of simple, daily practices that pave the way to your dreams.


About Steff






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